Herman Cain is an idiot!! He will not make a great President. The whole Sexual Harassment scandal is annoying. Here is the way I see it. You don't pay people to keep your mouth shut if you didn't do something wrong. Now for all you people who support him and clam that people are doing this for the 15 minutes of fame.. Here is the way I see it.
First thing First, Someone other then the victims Released the information about the Harassment charges. And if you watch more then one news channel you would hear that Herman Cain has blamed someone who worked on his 2004 campaign for the senate. He told said person about the sexual harassment allegations when he was running for senate. For fear that they were going to come out back then! Now he is all surprised when someone brought it out while he is running for president?? Get real guy!!
This isn't about skin color either!! Your black great, who cares anymore. No one cares and those who care already did their thing to Obama. He is still fighting the "Birthers"! When you have a history Of sexually harassing people No one cares what color you are. If you were white you would be fighting the same battle! You can't Play the Race card every time something comes out about yourself that you didn't want to. Next you will be saying that you didn't win because you are black... Whatever dude!!
For those of you who say that people are doing this for their 15 mins... Well we are in a tight spot here. I agree and Disagree with you on this one. Their is some truth to the 15 mins of fame, but he isn't innocent in this matter. There at least 2 women that Are currently no speaking.. Why? Well Because they took the money to keep their mouth shut!! Yeah That is right they stuck to their end of the deal. They got paid and now he is talking about it like they are the bad guys and you all are buying into it! Are you really that stupid? No you are not, but you are not getting the whole story. He talked about it, So now to clear their names.. one of the girls lawyer is asking that she be released from the "keep your mouth shut or we take the money back " deal so people can hear her side of the story. But unfortunately it is too late. Their are a few people that are coming out and you are right I think that they are just looking for their 15 mins. But don't pool all of the women in the same pool.
Now here is the deal. I will not be voting for this loser. It isn't because he is Black... It isn't because he had charges put against him, I mean really No one is perfect. The reason he will not be getting my vote is because of his in ability to handle his business with class and dignity. And his in ability to stick behind what he says. Welcome to the world of Running for President. People are going to do anything to knock the others down to make them look good, it is how it is handle that will show you who someone really is. I don't know about you but I wouldn't want a whine guy running my country. He gets hit with some mud and starts crying about it and making it about everything else then what it is. It is a hey We know you have a scandal in your past. If you don't want people to bring it up and throw it in your face then maybe you shouldn't have done those things so long ago or just don't run for President.
I am just saying. Plan for your future people. There is no time machine and so if you think you are going to run for President you may want to be a perfect angel your whole life and only let angels in your life, Because once you start that road there is turning back and fixing what you did!
* As a side note Please know that Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault is NOT joke. As someone who has gone through it I don't take kindly to those who do take it as a joke. It is a hard thing to prove on the victims side and Often why it is Settled out of court. Think Twice Before you doubt someone. Because one day it could be you.*