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Thursday, July 19, 2012

It Is My Turn

So I have not written in awhile. I would make up excuses that I was busy with the kids and all but I have to be honest. I just didn't have anything to write about. Once my husband deployed my days got long and boring. I am not sure how all you women do it, I for one cannot sit on my ass and do nothing all day like so many of you can. I need a job.Oops I need to back track here. Back in September I was laid off from my contract job on post, such the life as a contractor boo hoo, I decided to take some time off and be a stay at home mom. I could do the cooking and cleaning thing I am great at it. With both of my kids and school it left all day to clean and get things done that are hard to when you have a full house and also would allow me to spend more quality time with the kids when they were home. It was great for the 1st month. Then we found out my husband was picked up for an individual deployment. So we spent all of November getting ready for his departure. It was only for 6 months no problem it was going to be easy. And to be honest it was one of the easiest deployments that my husband and I have ever had. We got to talk every day the kids got to Skype with their dad almost every day. But I got bored at home. I don’t have any friends around here, so I was at home a lot with 2 kids. I had no help when I needed a break I was stuck. I slowly started to talk to other parents at both of my kids’ school and got a night here or there off, but I was always alone with no one to talk to. Don’t get me wrong I am not trying to complain. I love my kids more than anything, and asking people to watch my kids is very hard for me to do. I feel bad when I send them away. Plus when they went to their biological mothers house for holidays it was a wonderful break, but I would miss them even more. My house is boring without them. Even as I write this I am excited that my husband and I get to see them and spend all day Saturday with them. Back to the topic at hand, I got bored and could not clean my house any more then it was I decided to go back to the gym. It was great I was running and pushing myself harder then I have ever pushed myself before. Then I sprained my ankle and could not run for a month. I know I gave up to easy but I figure that someone didn’t think I should be running at that time. So back to being bored at home I started my search for a job again. I was trying anything and everything not just looking for contract jobs but everywhere. I found a job in February it was a great job as a warehouse manager. I loved it but they lied to me about the hours and being a deployment single mother I could not work for them any longer I lasted 3 weeks. I hated to say goodbye to that job but my kids come first. And it was affecting their life in a way I just could not handle. Well back to being home by myself all day I started the gym thing again and had family come and visit and I had started to make friends around the area (My new found friends will be another story for another day). And then I got a few contracting job offers. This is where the title comes in to play.
              It is my turn to deploy. I had an offer to go to Afghanistan back in March, which I could not take because of my kids. And then my husband came home in May. After some family vacation time and much needed family time, we sat down and talked about my leaving for a contract in Afghanistan. After talking to my 2 kids and deciding that it is best for our family right now. I got on the phone and took back the job they offered me several months ago. So here I am writing not to say that it is the wife’s turn to let the army man be a deployment dad. I am happy to do this for a few reasons. Most men do not know what their wives go through while they are away. And don’t tell me oh he knows I tell him all the time what it is like. Be honest with yourself he has never been in your shoes so he has no idea. This will also give my kids and husband some much needed bonding time without mom to intervene. This is something that I have always wanted to do sense I was in the Army and to have the chance at 27 to go to Afghanistan and work as a contractor for the government and experience the other side of the coin over there is going to be a great experience.  I know what I am getting into. Please understand I know that this is not going to be all roses and sweetness. But I am going to put on the happy face and drive forward.
I plan on writing about my experience while I wait for the day to leave comes and while I am there.  I have many friends who are there now or are heading there soon so I know I will not be alone. I just wanted to share this so that as I write people are not lost as to what is going on.