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Thursday, August 11, 2011

FU Cancer

  FUCK YOU CANCER!!! That is what I say to it. For those who don’t know Cancer is no joke in my family. You would think we are in a competition of the family with the most people affected. When we think we are clear of it, someone else gets sick. Right Now my cousin is fighting the battle. In my family we say fuck you Cancer every time. We are fighters and winners. So I know that she will make it without a doubt in my mind. I want her to know that. I want her to believe it and not worry. I want to help her be strong. I am not asking for anyone to give anything but the times it takes to read this and about 5 minutes more.
  I want to tell you a little about my family. First off we are a huge family and we are close. We are each other’s friends on facebook; we chat and joke with each other on there. We fight with each other and have no problem telling someone where to shove it. When we get together it is a party that anyone around will hear about and no one will forget. We cheer each other on when someone is down, give reality checks when someone is acting a fool. GG (great grandma, but known as grandma to me and mom to others) is where it all comes together. If anything is happening ask her she has the 411, the DL, the dish, the news, the family gossip… ok she doesn’t gossip not about her family, the point is the GG is like the Don of our mob family (good news is she has yet to put a hit out on anyone). She knows what is going on in her family of warriors. Good or bad she supports every one of us and loves us all. We are a wonderful mix of everything from big to small, white to red skin, straight to gay, young to old, carnivore to vegetarian. You name it we have it in our family. You think I am making this up, don’t you? Well ask around you will be surprised. What I love most about my family is that everyone is welcome. You don’t have to be blood to become family. All we ask is for the same love and respect that we show you.
  I had to tell you about my family so you understand why I am writing this and asking for your support and time right now. We don’t ask people for much if anything. We believe in something, be it god and/or the great spirits. But I am asking you now to help me. My cousin has cancer in her lung. It is called Adenoid carcinoma. 90% of the people who get it get it from smoking. Lucky for my cousin she never smoked a day in her life. Unlucky for her she is that 10% that get it without smoking. (Good reason to quit smoking) The good news is that at this time the cancer has not spread and they think they got it early enough that they can get rid of it with surgery. Her surgery has been scheduled for August 23. Here is that hard part. She is scared as anyone would be. She is going to lose part of her lung to a cancer that should have just minded its own business and stayed away. With every surgery comes a risk of something worst. Now do I or anyone in my family believe that is will happen? NO. But I need you help to help my cousin believe and give my cousin the strength to hold her head high as she goes through this. Let her know that she is not alone in this world and that people love her and she is a beautiful person who just had a crappy day and that is it. From here on out nothing but sun shine!
  So could you please pass this to your friends and spread the word. Please go to light a candle (click here), and light a candle for her you don’t have to say anything or you can give her words for strength as I said it is only time that I am asking for it will take you less time than it took you to read this. If you would like you can post something on here. I promise I will get your words to her. She needs it from now until after her surgery. I will keep you up to date on how it goes.
  Thank you! And don't forget to say FU CANCER!!!!!

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