*When I am sick this is what you get. Good luck*
Why do women put such a high standard on ourselves and other women? While we hold men to a lower standard. Don't get me wrong men do it to but women are meaner about it. We get cattie, fake and downright mean. Looking through music videos on you tube today (I am sick, not trying to work hard at work today) every video that I seen one of two things could be said as true. They had really "good looking”, Ok who am I kidding, "HOT" chicks in them or men dressed as an ugly women. Everyone has standards, when I look in the mirror in the morning I see a hot chick that every women needs to watch her man around. I am not conceded I am confident. But at the same time there are women who will look at me and think a number of things about me. How do I know, because I think a number of things about other women. My friends are thankful for me sometimes and others not so much. I have a big mouth and tell you what I think. I mean come on I have a blog that I use to vent about anything and everything. It is a way to get out my feelings and what is on my mind so when it counts. I can keep my mouth shut. Like at your best friend’s wedding when you know they won't last.
Anyways, in the videos, all the hot chicks look the same. Skinny, Little to no clothes on, perfect hair, OK lets be really they have everything that I wish I could have I mean look at the girls they have it in all the right places and not in the wrong. Who wouldn't want that? Like I said I am confident not conceded. I know that I could lose a few pounds and there are some things about myself that I could live without. I don’t let it stop me from thinking I am hot and attractive and deserve the best that is out there. I guess I get the guy playing the ugly chick in the videos, I mean come on what woman would want to play that. Not I, you already know what I want to be… The girl on the stripper pole!
Wait I think I am getting off track here. Bear with me, as I said before I am sick, (getting better) still a little groggy in the head, my mind doesn’t wanna sat on topic. What I am getting at is that over the years the image of a woman has changed and when you don’t meet the standard image you tend to say things that are mean. I guess what I am getting at is how did we become this way? When did we become this way?
We allow men to go places dirty and unkempt and don’t say anything. They gain weight we don’t mind it makes them even cuter. I know that not all of this goes for every woman. But there are girls out there that will.
I am keeping this short today I just wanna know why? How have you caught yourself judging so harshly? Don’t say you don’t cause I will call you a big fat liar!!! And it will be true because everyone has hell I do. Am I trying to change that, kinda. It is second nature I don’t think I do. I am not gonna lie to you about it. I call it as I see it. And when you prove me wrong or there is poof to the other. I clam it. There are a couple of people who I have done it to and lost a close friend over. I am sure if they read this they can tell you all about it. It is not my place most of the time but like I said I don’t think I do. Right Now I am curious about what you have to say about it.
This video says it all Fake it
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