I am tired of hearing the same old line from military wives. "We are broke." First get a fucking Job!!! Oh jobs are hard to find. Work at McDonald's! Second Stop having fucking Kids!! Don't like condoms or taking the pill, then get fixed!! Third Stop spending Your Husbands money!!! You need shit around the house? well you don't need the new TV or Cloths you just bought.
I am sorry I just had to get that out. There are women out there that all I here is "We are broke." Well I am sorry dear but you are married to a soldier. They don't make millions. I laugh at these women because while they are bitching they are making more mouths to feed on the same paycheck or going out and spending money that they don't have. There are 3 reasons you are broke: You don't want to get a job, you keep making more babies, and/ or you spend all of your money on stuff you don't need. And I am going to break these down for you on why you are broke.
1. You don't want to get a job. I am sure there are many wives out there that have one reason or another for not going out and getting a job. But most are bullshit. You don't have a job, because you don't want one plain and simple. You can find a job it may not be what you want but everyone starts at the bottom. Yes you don't have daycare for your kids. Kids falls under both job and making babies. Seeing as you already have the kids why don't you take the time and start a daycare or find another stay at home lazy military wife maybe she will watch your kids for cheap. My favorite one is I move all the time, no one will hire me. moving all the time for me has worked out great. Every job gave me that little extra for the next place where I find a better paying job. They will hire you just have to work at it. I feel for you to a point I get that jobs are hard to find. Every job I get I have to worry about not having a job in a couple of months. But life sucks, suck it up and drive on.
2. You keep having kids. I have an idea. Plan a little better. Take the pill and have your husband wear a condom. Don't like or can't remember to do that OK then how about one of you get fixed. That way you don't have to worry about. I get that accidents happen but when they do, you need to plan that you just got one more mouth to feed and so you have to spend your money differently. And just because you have a kid or are pregnant does not mean that you can not have a job. Women do it all the time. Some even do it as a single mom with out a man to help them. So forgive me if I don't lend my shoulder out to you to cry on or that I don't just right you a check for what ever it is that you wish you could have. You chose to have the child. You need to support it.
3. You spend money you don't have. You my dear don't have a job. So why are you going out shopping and buying that $100 dress? Or that $1000 TV? The $2000 couch when you old one still works? Really I want to know. You don't need it. If the old is working why did you spend money on a new one when you are BROKE. Remember you are the one bitching at me that you are broke and then going out and spending money that you don't have. SAVE your husbands money, remember you don't have a job so maybe just maybe you should think about the next thing you buy. Ask yourself: Do we really NEED it? Can I get it cheaper somewhere else? Just because you see it and want it does not mean you need it. I have wanted a new flat screen TV for a year now to replace the heavy box that we have now. I still don't have it. Why? We are waiting for it to go on sale and if we have the money when it is on sale we will get it. But we don't need it so we wait until the right time comes.
My Fiancee and I have 2 kids that we send to daycare before and after school, we have 2 mortgages that we have to pay while we try and sell one house, and regular bills to pay. I still have money left over. Why? Because we save where we can, we live in the means of what we make. We still make time for fun things and nights out. And we each have a job. It wasn't always like this. We have lived just off of his income. And we didn't spend money when we didn't have to. I am big on buying on sale or on craigslist.com and thrift stores. We manage to furnish our whole house with everything we needed for under $3000. 3 complete bedrooms, a full kitchen and dining room, Living room, and 2 bathrooms. And if you seen my stuff you would think I bought it new. It isn't but either way I don't care. I don't try to keep up with the Jones I have better things to do.
Do what you are going to do. I just had to get that out there and at least ask you to stop. Please let me know what you think. If I am wrong on what I have said I would love to hear why. I am open to understanding you train of thought.
I couldn't agree with you more very well put. I know we ended screwing up our credit card when we used it for our trip to check out Fort Sill for those 3 days. My dear husband loves to pull out the CC but our debit card *rolling eyes*. Which is changing thank goodness since I have gotten on his case. We will have a rough time too with our houses being in the same page but not sure if we will rent it out vs sell it. I try not to buy things to excess and look for sales too.
ReplyDeletevery well put and i would have to agree with it. the 'no one will hire me because im a military spouse' is bs. ive had no problems finding work and if your near a base you definitely should have no problem finding a job at the commissary, bx/px, lodging etc. when i was around 7 months pregnant i quit my job, hubby got a second job(his choice), and i started preparing for another mouth to feed. to put a little extra money in our pockets i would sell stuff we no longer used, i did surveys and i clipped coupons to save on groceries and other necessities. you just have to sacrifice somethings. Some of those that say there broke they brought it upon themselves and there are ways to fix it. is it me or do the wives these days seem quick to complain about there life and whine a lot? i just wish they would take more pride in their lifestyle that they said 'i do' to.