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Thursday, August 11, 2011

FU Cancer

  FUCK YOU CANCER!!! That is what I say to it. For those who don’t know Cancer is no joke in my family. You would think we are in a competition of the family with the most people affected. When we think we are clear of it, someone else gets sick. Right Now my cousin is fighting the battle. In my family we say fuck you Cancer every time. We are fighters and winners. So I know that she will make it without a doubt in my mind. I want her to know that. I want her to believe it and not worry. I want to help her be strong. I am not asking for anyone to give anything but the times it takes to read this and about 5 minutes more.
  I want to tell you a little about my family. First off we are a huge family and we are close. We are each other’s friends on facebook; we chat and joke with each other on there. We fight with each other and have no problem telling someone where to shove it. When we get together it is a party that anyone around will hear about and no one will forget. We cheer each other on when someone is down, give reality checks when someone is acting a fool. GG (great grandma, but known as grandma to me and mom to others) is where it all comes together. If anything is happening ask her she has the 411, the DL, the dish, the news, the family gossip… ok she doesn’t gossip not about her family, the point is the GG is like the Don of our mob family (good news is she has yet to put a hit out on anyone). She knows what is going on in her family of warriors. Good or bad she supports every one of us and loves us all. We are a wonderful mix of everything from big to small, white to red skin, straight to gay, young to old, carnivore to vegetarian. You name it we have it in our family. You think I am making this up, don’t you? Well ask around you will be surprised. What I love most about my family is that everyone is welcome. You don’t have to be blood to become family. All we ask is for the same love and respect that we show you.
  I had to tell you about my family so you understand why I am writing this and asking for your support and time right now. We don’t ask people for much if anything. We believe in something, be it god and/or the great spirits. But I am asking you now to help me. My cousin has cancer in her lung. It is called Adenoid carcinoma. 90% of the people who get it get it from smoking. Lucky for my cousin she never smoked a day in her life. Unlucky for her she is that 10% that get it without smoking. (Good reason to quit smoking) The good news is that at this time the cancer has not spread and they think they got it early enough that they can get rid of it with surgery. Her surgery has been scheduled for August 23. Here is that hard part. She is scared as anyone would be. She is going to lose part of her lung to a cancer that should have just minded its own business and stayed away. With every surgery comes a risk of something worst. Now do I or anyone in my family believe that is will happen? NO. But I need you help to help my cousin believe and give my cousin the strength to hold her head high as she goes through this. Let her know that she is not alone in this world and that people love her and she is a beautiful person who just had a crappy day and that is it. From here on out nothing but sun shine!
  So could you please pass this to your friends and spread the word. Please go to light a candle (click here), and light a candle for her you don’t have to say anything or you can give her words for strength as I said it is only time that I am asking for it will take you less time than it took you to read this. If you would like you can post something on here. I promise I will get your words to her. She needs it from now until after her surgery. I will keep you up to date on how it goes.
  Thank you! And don't forget to say FU CANCER!!!!!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


  *When I am sick this is what you get. Good luck*

  Why do women put such a high standard on ourselves and other women? While we hold men to a lower standard. Don't get me wrong men do it to but women are meaner about it. We get cattie, fake and downright mean. Looking through music videos on you tube today (I am sick, not trying to work hard at work today) every video that I seen one of two things could be said as true. They had really "good looking”, Ok who am I kidding, "HOT" chicks in them or men dressed as an ugly women. Everyone has standards, when I look in the mirror in the morning I see a hot chick that every women needs to watch her man around. I am not conceded I am confident. But at the same time there are women who will look at me and think a number of things about me. How do I know, because I think a number of things about other women. My friends are thankful for me sometimes and others not so much. I have a big mouth and tell you what I think. I mean come on I have a blog that I use to vent about anything and everything. It is a way to get out my feelings and what is on my mind so when it counts. I can keep my mouth shut. Like at your best friend’s wedding when you know they won't last.
  Anyways, in the videos, all the hot chicks look the same. Skinny, Little to no clothes on, perfect hair, OK lets be really they have everything that I wish I could have I mean look at the girls they have it in all the right places and not in the wrong. Who wouldn't want that? Like I said I am confident not conceded. I know that I could lose a few pounds and there are some things about myself that I could live without. I don’t let it stop me from thinking I am hot and attractive and deserve the best that is out there. I guess I get the guy playing the ugly chick in the videos, I mean come on what woman would want to play that. Not I, you already know what I want to be… The girl on the stripper pole!
  Wait I think I am getting off track here. Bear with me, as I said before I am sick, (getting better) still a little groggy in the head, my mind doesn’t wanna sat on topic. What I am getting at is that over the years the image of a woman has changed and when you don’t meet the standard image you tend to say things that are mean. I guess what I am getting at is how did we become this way? When did we become this way?
  We allow men to go places dirty and unkempt and don’t say anything. They gain weight we don’t mind it makes them even cuter. I know that not all of this goes for every woman. But there are girls out there that will.
  I am keeping this short today I just wanna know why? How have you caught yourself judging so harshly? Don’t say you don’t cause I will call you a big fat liar!!! And it will be true because everyone has hell I do. Am I trying to change that, kinda. It is second nature I don’t think I do. I am not gonna lie to you about it. I call it as I see it. And when you prove me wrong or there is poof to the other. I clam it. There are a couple of people who I have done it to and lost a close friend over. I am sure if they read this they can tell you all about it. It is not my place most of the time but like I said I don’t think I do. Right Now I am curious about what you have to say about it.
This video says it all Fake it 

Friday, August 05, 2011

Just Stop


  I am tired of hearing the same old line from military wives. "We are broke." First get a fucking Job!!! Oh jobs are hard to find. Work at McDonald's! Second Stop having fucking Kids!! Don't like condoms or taking the pill, then get fixed!!  Third Stop spending Your Husbands money!!! You need shit around the house? well you don't need the new TV or Cloths you just bought.
  I am sorry I just had to get that out. There are women out there that all I here is "We are broke." Well I am sorry dear but you are married to a soldier. They don't make millions. I laugh at these women because while they are bitching they are making more mouths to feed on the same paycheck or going out and spending money that they don't have.  There are 3 reasons you are broke: You don't want to get a job, you keep making more babies, and/ or you spend all of your money on stuff you don't need. And I am going to break these down for you on why you are broke.
  1. You don't want to get a job. I am sure there are many wives out there that have one reason or another for not going out and getting a job. But most are bullshit. You don't have a job, because you don't want one plain and simple. You can find a job it may not be what you want but everyone starts at the bottom. Yes you don't have daycare for your kids. Kids falls under both job and making babies. Seeing as you already have the kids why don't you take the time and start a daycare or find another stay at home lazy military wife maybe she will watch your kids for cheap. My favorite one is I move all the time, no one will hire me. moving all the time for me has worked out great. Every job gave me that little extra for the next place where I find a better paying job. They will hire you just have to work at it. I feel for you to a point I get that jobs are hard to find. Every job I get I have to worry about not having a job in a couple of months. But life sucks, suck it up and drive on.
  2. You keep having kids. I have an idea. Plan a little better. Take the pill and have your husband wear a condom. Don't like or can't remember to do that OK then how about one of you get fixed. That way you don't have to worry about. I get that accidents happen but when they do, you need to plan that you just got one more mouth to feed and so you have to spend your money differently. And just because you have a kid or are pregnant does not mean that you can not have a job. Women do it all the time. Some even do it as a single mom with out a man to help them. So forgive me if I don't lend my shoulder out to you to cry on or that I don't just right you a check for what ever it is that you wish you could have. You chose to have the child. You need to support it.
  3. You spend money you don't have. You my dear don't have a job. So why are you going out shopping and buying that $100 dress? Or that $1000 TV? The $2000 couch when you old one still works? Really I want to know. You don't need it. If the old is working why did you spend money on a new one when you are BROKE. Remember you are the one bitching at me that you are broke and then going out and spending money that you don't have. SAVE your husbands money, remember you don't have a job so maybe just maybe you should think about the next thing you buy. Ask yourself: Do we really NEED it? Can I get it cheaper somewhere else? Just because you see it and want it does not mean you need it. I have wanted a new flat screen TV for a year now to replace the heavy box that we have now. I still don't have it. Why? We are waiting for it to go on sale and if we have the money when it is on sale we will get it. But we don't need it so we wait until the right time comes.
  My Fiancee and I have 2 kids that we send to daycare before and after school, we have 2 mortgages that we have to pay while we try and sell one house, and regular bills to pay. I still have money left over. Why? Because we save where we can, we live in the means of what we make. We still make time for fun things and nights out. And we each have a job. It wasn't always like this. We have lived just off of his income. And we didn't spend money when we didn't have to. I am big on buying on sale or on and thrift stores. We manage to furnish our whole house with everything we needed for under $3000. 3 complete bedrooms, a full kitchen and dining room, Living room, and 2 bathrooms. And if you seen my stuff you would think I bought it new. It isn't but either way I don't care. I don't try to keep up with the Jones I have better things to do.
  Do what you are going to do. I just had to get that out there and at least ask you to stop. Please let me know what you think. If I am wrong on what I have said I would love to hear why. I am open to understanding you train of thought.

Thursday, August 04, 2011

Last night

  We have finally found a place to call our own. All of our stuff is moved in and now the unpacking has begun. here is the thing. I love moving. It is fun to stay some place for a little while and make new friends. Seeing what a town has to offer and then finding another place and trying your had there. The part that I do not like is that packing and unpacking. Man does that suck. So I have been kinda putting it off. But you wanna know why. Well it is because I don't have Internet or TV. I need 15 -30 mins of down time after work. If I don't get it I don't feel motivated. I am strange I know, but that is me. So I have been slacking a little this week. I have my dishes put away. Thank goodness I don't have my kids here.
  So last night I took a bum day, from anything moving. As I said before I don't have Internet or TV right now so I located my DVD player and watched a movie. Yesterday my fiancee and I it seems were in a Flesh eater mood. I say Flesh eater and not Zombie because they were originally George Romero movies, and if you know a little about him you will know that he thought of his creatures as Flesh eater and not Zombies. Now that my rant is done sorry about that, what was I saying again. Oh Yes.
  First we watched "Night of the Living Dead" the original. I have never seen that movie before. I have seen the remake. I must say I liked the original. It was a great b movie. It had everything it needed to make it a cult classic. It was great how Zombies got their start in the world of horror movies. Everything was so simple. there was not a lot of blood and guts. The black and white lay out of the movie really made it. At least it did for me. Yes there was some horrible acting in the movie but For the time frame the movie was made in it was a head of its time. My favorite line in the movie was "They are coming to get you Barbra." It was funny and great how it started out with a joke of how the dead were going to come and get her. That in the end they did.
  Second movie was "The Crazies" The re-make. I love that movie. I seen it when it can out and I just think it is great. I would love to see the original just so that I may compare how Breck Eisner interpreted George Romero's Movie. The Crazies is a movie that could happen and that is what really gives you the scare that you get. The what is going on? Why is it happening? Would the government really do that? The Flesh Eaters in the movie are not the really monsters in my mind, The government is. I was watching the extras on the movie and agreed with a couple people they interviewed that said that the Crazies is a movie that will be remade a few times just updated for the time. It fits in to any time frame. It did when it came out in 1973.
  For those of you who know me, know that I love horror movies. I am in to all kinds. I look for a different one every time I can. I really like ones that no one has heard of and always looking for something new and different so if you know of any please let me know. In the most recent year I have really gotten into Zombie and Flesh Eaters. I have been reading a lot of books, on it my Current author I like for a Zombie book is Joe Mckinney. Here are a couple of his Books if you get a minute I think they are great reads. Dead City, Flesh Eaters, and Apocalypse of the Dead. It has been interesting to learn how the Zombie stories got started, where the originated, and read how different people view them.
  I am interested on how you view them. Let me know.